The Maze of Online Real Estate Marketing

The Maze of Online Real Estate Marketing

You’re a real estate agent so it’s understandable that the term marketing can be a frightening and somewhat daunting task. With each new trend, product and platform update it feels as if you’ve been thrown into a constantly shifting maze – and not the fun corn type!

Let’s face it, you’ve got to wear multiple hats as a real estate professional – agent, marketer, business owner and manager – the list goes on and on. Marketing isn’t your full time gig, that’s selling real estate. Understanding the key elements and how they can help enhance your business is essential for success.

There are a variety of agents in the real estate industry right now. Some do all their marketing themselves, others have their own assistants they employ and others farm it out to consultants and marketing experts. The reality is no one agent has time to do everything so we’re here to help you do a little prioritizing. Where should your main focus be? What can wait on the backburner?

We partnered with to provide a great webinar you can watch for free HERE. Make sure to also check out our top choices on where you should be placing your marketing dollars, what’s nice to have and what can wait by downloading our free eBook below!

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