Top Podcasts for Real Estate Professionals

Top Podcasts for Real Estate Professionals

Podcasts are quickly becoming one of the most popular and easiest way to access information, get caught up on news and updates from around the world—and even have a laugh or two. Whether interested in sports, comedy, television, news, fashion, medicine or (most importantly for us) real estate, there are podcasts out there for you. The major benefit of subscribing and listening to podcasts is that you can listen to them just about anywhere: at home, at the gym, in the car, and in between client meetings, open houses and showings.

Here are our picks of the best real estate podcasts. These are sure to help you stay current with the ever-changing real estate industry, and perhaps even educate you on things you didn’t know—especially if you are new to the industry. Check them out and let us know what you think!

Unlisted with Brad Inman

Brad Inman is famous in the real estate industry, as he is the founder of, one of the best internet sources for REALTORS®. On his podcast, Inman reaches out to experts in the field, top producers and real estate moguls. The interviews are always insightful, and will answer questions you didn’t even know you had.

Mobile Agent TV

RE/MAX is the sole point of focus by this podcast, as everyone on it is an agent or representative for RE/MAX, but that doesn’t mean it’s limited on information. The guests on the program come from all over the nation, and with weekly updates there is always something new to hear and learn about.

Agent Caffeine

A technology heavy podcast hosted by one of Inman’s 100 Most Influential, Kelly Mitchell, this will certainly teach you about new tools available. While conducting interviews with innovators and top performers, the discussions highlight how new software, online lead generation, social media presence and other tech oriented tools can elevate your sales.

Super Agents Live

Brought to you by Toby Salgado, Super Agents Live brings in agents that are making $50 million in sales a year to talk. Tony has a great way of inducing these super agents into talking about their strategies that often are kept secret. This podcast is an excellent way to learn from top producers in a way that only a top producer can share.

Listing Bits

Greg Robertson is a 25-year veteran in the real estate space, from co-founding a successful real estate software company to authoring pieces for blogs and well known publishers, such as Inman. The Listing Bits podcast is centered around real estate technology and the advances being made in the industry.

Our CEO, Joel MacIntosh was featured on this real estate technology podcast during the 2017 RESO Spring Conference in Austin, TX. In this 30-minute podcast, Joel discussed numerous data standardization topics with Greg.

The Agents of Change

Created by Rich Brooks of Flyte New Media, listening in to this podcast will help steer you from outdated sales strategies to the most up-to-date and tech-savvy methods you can find.

Tom Ferry Podcast

An excellent corporate coach and motivational speaker, Tom Ferry also has a vast knowledge of all things real estate. Running the entire spectrum from advice for brand new agents up to the strategies that multi-million dollar sales require, there is always information that will be both inspiring and informative when Tom talks about business trends.

Modern American Realtor

This tip heavy podcast is certain to help you improve your sales and online presence for your agency. Wright brothers (not to be confused with Orville and Wilbur), Casey and Corey, will keep you entertained and focused on the evolving real estate industry with their in-depth information and updates.

Real Estate Investing Mastery

Here to help you find success in both investment and in sales, David Corbaley talks about what works and what doesn’t in real estate. The great ideas that come from the talks are truly noteworthy, so it’s best to listen with a pen and paper at hand to jot down the tips and ideas that will help your business climb.

The Real Estate Guys

Having been around for 20 plus years on the radio, the transition to podcasting for Robert Helms and Russell Gray was a no brainer. With their own brand of expertise, mixed with the real information from additional experts, the Real Estate Guys provide value and entertainment at the same time.

BiggerPockets Podcast

Another great podcast for investment property knowledge, Josh and Brandon Turner provide details on flipping homes, repairing houses, property management, strategies for investment and more. We often forget that real estate investment can be a great way to add value to a real estate business. That said, even if you solely want to remain a broker or agent then having the knowledge to help clients choose better investment properties can bring them back to your office for repeat business when they add or sell their investments.

Leveling Up

Joshua Smith has been one of the nations top REALTORS®, and now he’s also one of the best real estate coaches in the nation. Leveling Up is targeted at the newest agents in the field, providing tips and coaching to get past those speedbumps that all fresh faces have to find a way to get around. Listen in to Joshua whenever you need some inspiration or when you find yourself stuck as you strike out on your career as a real estate agent.