In our increasingly digital world, real estate marketing is becoming more complex. Being a real estate agent or broker is hard enough, but now you need to understand how to manage and optimize your website, your social channels, emails and database, and so on.

We’ve been in the real estate space for over 20 years, and have kept our finger on the pulse the entire time. Our goal is to keep our clients, and the real estate community at large, up to speed on all the latest real estate marketing trends, including real estate marketing tips and tricks, marketing tools, and marketing channels and platforms.

You Need to Give People a Reason to Believe in You

You Need to Give People a Reason to Believe in You

There are five phases in the consumer journey: Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Advocacy, and Loyalty. The objective of consideration is to gain leads – bring a potential client to your website and have them leaving your website as a lead. There are two aspects of consideration that we need to consider, no pun intended: The prospect […]

Awareness is Not About Lead Generation

Awareness is Not About Lead Generation

There are five phases in the consumer journey: Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Advocacy, and Loyalty. The objective of awareness is strictly about getting your name out in front of potential clients – we like to think of this as how many eyeballs can you get to look at your website. There are two aspects of awareness […]

Download our New Real Estate Marketing 101 E-Book!

Download our New Real Estate Marketing 101 E-Book!

You have decided to be a real estate agent. Congratulations! You received your license, signed up with a broker, and are starting to get your name out there. Now what? How do you plan to generate new business and nurture existing customers? Marketing can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have never done […]

Open House Pros and Cons for Real Estate Agents

Open House Pros and Cons for Real Estate Agents

“Should I host an open house for my client?” It’s a question that nearly every real estate agent asks at some point in their career. Yet, there never seems to be a clear answer. Open house pros and cons have been debated among industry experts for years, and both sides have valid points. Many factors […]

Using a Virtual Tour to Generate Real Estate Business

Using a Virtual Tour to Generate Real Estate Business

Many real estate agents have discovered a secret weapon. Have you? It’s the virtual tour. These tours are made from a series of still images taken from a single vantage point and they simulate an actual tour. They’re used in real estate to show potential buyers what a particular floor plan will look like. You […]

How to Create a Great Real Estate Blog

How to Create a Great Real Estate Blog

These days, everyone knows that content is important for marketing a business, and the same is true for real estate agents and brokers. Good content can bring in incremental traffic to your websites and help you generate leads. You have likely already heard from multiple sources that blogging is important, but maintaining an active blog […]

Using Video Marketing to Reach Your Full Potential in Real Estate

Using Video Marketing to Reach Your Full Potential in Real Estate

Many businesses have discovered the secret weapon of online video, but amazingly, real estate agents are not using video to its full potential. A home purchase or sale is the biggest transaction of a person’s life, so people want a real estate agent who is trustworthy and relatable. Using online video marketing will allow you […]

Five Ways To Use SEO To Drive Real Estate Leads

Five Ways To Use SEO To Drive Real Estate Leads

Ninety percent of people start their home search online. Ninety percent! For consumers, the most difficult real estate challenge is finding the right property, followed by finding the right agent to buy or sell a home. As a real estate firm, how do you make sure these consumers find you? One crucial tactic you need […]

5 Ways to Use Twitter to Drive Real Estate Leads

5 Ways to Use Twitter to Drive Real Estate Leads

Twitter is not just for President Trump. It’s great for real estate agents too! Many business owners use Twitter to connect with customers and to generate leads. Twitter offers a great platform for finding new real estate clients. Similar to real estate marketing on Facebook, there is a fairly easy and foolproof process you can […]

Generate Awareness with Your Real Estate Blog

Generate Awareness with Your Real Estate Blog

Noise. That’s a lot of what is out there as blog content in the “blogosphere.” We are all inundated with information, and you feel lost in the ocean. Home buyers want to sort through all that noise. They want the real estate sites and blogs that are going to provide quality information—the ones that are […]