In our increasingly digital world, real estate marketing is becoming more complex. Being a real estate agent or broker is hard enough, but now you need to understand how to manage and optimize your website, your social channels, emails and database, and so on.

We’ve been in the real estate space for over 20 years, and have kept our finger on the pulse the entire time. Our goal is to keep our clients, and the real estate community at large, up to speed on all the latest real estate marketing trends, including real estate marketing tips and tricks, marketing tools, and marketing channels and platforms.

How to Write a Neighborhood Guide

How to Write a Neighborhood Guide

Home buyers may find the perfect dream home online, but they are unlikely to purchase that home until they understand the neighborhood it’s built in. Therefore, as a real estate agent, providing a neighborhood profile can go a long way to giving your clients a better understanding of the surroundings. Neighborhood guides, or profiles, add […]

5 Ways to Use Facebook to Drive Real Estate Leads

5 Ways to Use Facebook to Drive Real Estate Leads

How do you use Facebook? Are you focusing on getting people to like your page? Are you running targeted ads for particular zip codes? How is that working for you? Are you generating leads? Many real estate agents treat their Facebook page like a brochure. Sure, it’s great for branding, but it’s probably not helping […]

How to Generate Repeat Business in Real Estate

How to Generate Repeat Business in Real Estate

As a real estate agent, your business is about getting people into their ideal houses but it is also about customer service and negotiation. To be successful in real estate, you have to establish a great reputation and build a recognizable brand. A large part of your business success hinges on the ability to encourage your […]

Generating Leads with VOW

Generating Leads with VOW

Generating leads is, to be honest, the bane of many real estate agents. That’s because when you generate the leads, you need to sift through the noise to find the leads that are the most qualified – those that are the most ready to buy or sell. Effective lead generation online is part art and […]

Should I Pay for IDX?

Should I Pay for IDX?

Agents and brokers all want a modern website with beautiful property listings, and data—lots and lots of data about those listings. If you see a Web listing for a property, then IDX made that listing possible. Basically, IDX is the technology that makes the posting of MLS listings on broker and agent websites. IDX stands […]

Hyperlocal Marketing for Real Estate

Hyperlocal Marketing for Real Estate

Hyperlocal marketing may sound like something out of a science fiction movie but it’s one of the best growth and expansion tactics for real estate brokers and agents. By default, real estate professional jobs are locally based and focused so you may already be doing hyperlocal marketing and don’t even know it! Marketing based around […]

Mobile Use in the Real Estate Industry

Mobile Use in the Real Estate Industry

Go mobile or go home – it’s a cliché marketing slogan but it couldn’t be any closer to the truth. Mobile use, especially amongst millennial buyers, continues to grow at an exponential rate. Consumers want the option to browse, purchase, chat, and generally reach their favorite brands and services while on the go. For real […]

Responsive Design & How it’s Shaping Product Development

Responsive Design & How it’s Shaping Product Development

‘Responsive’ has been the go-to buzzword within the real estate industry for quite some time. By now, I’m sure we’re all familiar with the term – the ability to provide a user experience across multiple touchpoints and mobile devices. But what effect does responsive design have on product development here at WolfNet? Understanding Client Behavior […]

The Maze of Online Real Estate Marketing

The Maze of Online Real Estate Marketing

You’re a real estate agent so it’s understandable that the term marketing can be a frightening and somewhat daunting task. With each new trend, product and platform update it feels as if you’ve been thrown into a constantly shifting maze – and not the fun corn type! Let’s face it, you’ve got to wear multiple hats as […]

Six Ways an Outdated Website is Hurting your Real Estate Business

Six Ways an Outdated Website is Hurting your Real Estate Business

They say it only takes us seven seconds to develop an impression when meeting new people – your website is no different. Keeping your site up to date plays a crucial role in growing your business and client base. How can an outdated website affect your business? Gives Off the Wrong Impression to Customers Your […]